até 2011
1. "Characteristic levels of some heavy metals from Brazilian canned sardines (Sardinella brasiliensis)", César R.T. Tarley, Wendell K.T. Coltro, Makoto Matsushita, Nilson E. de Souza, Journal of food composition and analysis, 2001.
2. "Development of preconcentration microchannels in polyester films incorporated on separation microdevices", W.K.T. Coltro, E. Carrilho, Acta. Microsc., 2003.
3. "Electrophoresis microchip fabricated by a direct-printing process with end-channel amperometric detection", Wendell K. Tomazelli Coltro, José A. Fracassi da Silva, Heron D. Torres da Silva, Eduardo M. Richter, Rogério Furlan, Lúcio Angnes, Claudimir L. do Lago, Luiz H. Mazo, Emanuel Carrilho, Electrophoresis , 2004.
4. "Electrokinetic control of fluid in plastified laser-printed poly (ethylene terephthalate)-toner microchips", Feng-Yun He, Ai-Lin Liu, Jin-Hua Yuan, Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, Emanuel Carrilho, Xing-Hua Xia, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2005.
5. "Correlation of animal diet and fatty acid content in young goat meat by gas chromatography and chemometrics", Wendell KT Coltro, Márcia MC Ferreira, Francisco AF Macedo, Claudio C Oliveira, Jesui V Visentainer, Nilson E Souza, Makoto Matsushita, Meat science, 2005.
6. "A toner-mediated lithographic technology for rapid prototyping of glass microchannels, Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, Evandro Piccin, José Alberto Fracassi da Silva, Claudimir Lucio do Lago, Emanuel Carrilho, Lab on a Chip, 2007.
7. "Micro chemical analysis systems: Introduction, fabrication technologies, instrumentation and applications, Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, Evandro Piccin, Emanuel Carrilho, Dosil Pereira de Jesus, José Alberto Fracassi da Silva, Heron Domingues Torres da Silva, Claudimir Lúcio do Lago, Química Nova, 2007.
8. "Terminologia para as técnicas analíticas de eletromigração em capilares", José Alberto Fracassi da Silva, Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, Emanuel Carrilho, Marina Franco Maggi Tavares, Química Nova, 2007.
9. "Polyurethane from biosource as a new material for fabrication of microfluidic devices by rapid prototyping", Evandro Piccin, Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, José Alberto Fracassi da Silva, Salvador Claro Neto, Luiz Henrique Mazo, Emanuel Carrilho, Journal of Chromatography A, 2007.
10. "Fabrication and integration of planar electrodes for contactless conductivity detection on polyester‐toner electrophoresis microchips", Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, José Alberto Fracassi da Silva, Emanuel Carrilho, Electrophoresis, 2008.
11. "Comparison of the analytical performance of electrophoresis microchannels fabricated in PDMS, glass, and polyester‐toner", Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, Susan M Lunte, Emanuel Carrilho, Electrophoresis, 2008.
12. "Dual contactless conductivity and amperometric detection on hybrid PDMS/glass electrophoresis microchips", Mercedes Vázquez, Celeste Frankenfeld, Wendell K Tomazelli Coltro, Emanuel Carrilho, Dermot Diamond, Susan M Lunte, Analyst, 2010.
13. "Toner and paper‐based fabrication techniques for microfluidic applications", endell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, Dosil Pereira de Jesus, José Alberto Fracassi da Silva, Claudimir Lucio do Lago, Emanuel Carrilho, Electrophoresis, 2010.
14. "A rapid and reliable bonding process for microchip electrophoresis fabricated in glass substrates", Thiago Pinotti Segato, Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, André Luiz de Jesus Almeida, Maria Helena de Oliveira Piazetta, Angelo Luiz Gobbi, Luiz Henrique Mazo, Emanuel Carrilho, Electrophoresis, 2010.
15. "Rapid prototyping of polymeric electrophoresis microchips with integrated copper electrodes for contactless conductivity detection", Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, José Alberto Fracassi da Silva, Emanuel Carrilho, Analytical Methods, 2011.
16. "Doping of a dielectric layer as a new alternative for increasing sensitivity of the contactless conductivity detection in microchips", Renato Sousa Lima, Thiago Pinotti Segato, Angelo Luiz Gobbi, Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro, Emanuel Carrilho, Lab on a Chip, 2011.
17. "Visible LED-Based Instrumentation for Photometric Determination of Electroosmotic Flow in Microchannels", José Alberto Fracassi da Silva, Ariane Deblire, Dosil P de Jesus, Wendell Karlos T Coltro, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2011.